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Friday, January 7, 2011

Halloween Costumes 2010 - Dead Celebrities

Ok, so I know we are still only in August and Halloween is still a few months away, but it does not harm to be well pre-paired by just starting to think of a few ideas as to what will be the best Halloween costumes for 2010 and this week we are looking into the dead and in particular dead celebrities!

Dead Celebrity Halloween Fancy Dress Party
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiksgSXXE3Am3eUh1O6QLmQqiQugl9vpxPGNAg3aTcutvutYCCPRp6D2UpyAGlVxMlUivUrhxaZt5csTCloNmo9Z7kT_eJjVlYm2wD20xDYhAeNRNVQlqTuWFoj4ieD89rNSgXcUdyP4mM/s320/michael-jackson-halloween-costume.jpg For something a little out of the ordinary and possibly a little macabre (but hey that is what Halloween is about) dressing up as your favourite dead celebrity is an idea for Halloween 2010. In the past few years there seems there have been a large number of celebrity deaths. Most of the popular celebrities will probably have been eulogized through a costume. An idea would be to base your Halloween party around dead celebrities! Sounds terrible... but that means it is a great idea for Halloween!

Michael Jackson Halloween Costume: Probably as diverse and controversial as the man himself, Michael Jackson Halloween costumes can come in many forms, from those who want to make fun of the King of Pop, to those who want to celebrate him, to those who choose to focus on the controversy surrounding his death. Possibly the most popular Michael Jackson fancy dress costume theme is based around his famous thriller video which makes it easy to use him as Halloween inspiration.

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